Request Court Date Online


You have 20 working days after the violation date to handle your citation. Complete this form to request a court date. Once your request has been processed you will be notified of the date and time to appear in court by mail. It is your responsibility to follow up with the court at 512-328-7200 to verify receipt of your request.

This form is not to be used to request a reset/continuance

The Municipal Court has court hearings every 4th Monday of the month at 5:00 PM (Attorney and Juvenile docket), 5:30 PM General docket. Beginning May 2017 we will offer a 5:00 PM Show Cause hearing docket. This form is to be used only for the first court date request. **Juveniles do not need to request a court hearing. The court will automatically mail a notice to the parent or guardian.** If your request pertains to more than one offense, a separate form is needed for each offense.

Date of Birth

By signing this form in the space provided below I hereby swear and affirm that the information provided above is correct. By signing below I am entering a plea of Not Guilty. Once you appear in court you may change your plea to No Contest, Guilty, or request a trial.

Type name if you agree to the terms of this form
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